Tuesday 30 April 2013


This poem I found online and felt it was too beautiful not to mention. Please read it, remember it, listen and accept because it is true.
“You are unique”
I want to tell you today. You are unique and very special. Never compare yourself to another person. Never desire what he/she has. You have your own unique place. For no two individuals has travelled the exact same path, the same journey at the exact same time. No two individuals have the exact same talents, the exact same gifts, the exact same thoughts and mind. No two people have the exact same interpretation of their life and journey through it.
God did not create copies. He made you unique. The place where you brother/sister is, may not be where you are supposed to be. Pray and let God direct you to where he wants you to be. You want to grow spiritually, you want to move forward in life, you want to reach your destiny and yet you are obsessing with what others have achieved, missing out on where God wants to guide you to. Think about this today folks. I am telling you that God has an absolutely beautiful stunning place for you. That place of love, peace and prosperity, it is for you to reach out and touch His hand today. Let Him lead you to your destiny.
Let go and let God lead you. Let go of hatred and envy. Let go of jealousy and greed. Let go of sins of the past that God has forgiven you for a long time ago. Let go of guilt over things that happened long time ago, let go of fear and shame. Let go and let God lead you today. God does not treat us like our sins deserve. God is always full of love, grace and mercy.

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